‘Who would true valour see, let them come hither …
There’s no discouragement shall make me once relent
my first avowed intent to be a pilgrim’

We continue this Sunday exploring our Christian faith through the hymns we sing. After joining with the Church in Jerusalem of the first three centuries (Let all mortal flesh keep silence … for Christ our God to earth descendeth), and with those around John of Damascus in the 8th century (The day of resurrection, earth tell it out abroad), and with Francis of Assisi in the 12th century (All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voices and with us sing), we arrive at 17th century England … and what a story lies behind this hymn! It is one of Christian witness embodied in the life of its author, and of challenge in its words to us today.

If you would like to hear the hymn sung in preparation to singing it together, I recommend Maddy Prior’s lively and authentic rendition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiSxSZ0s0AQ

We warmly invite you to join us this Sunday morning and begin this week of grace in the worship of God with Video at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzEy41z3sqfRm8X_lLfKGUA
and with Podcast at

During the service, reference will be made to a volume to be published in August by Upper Room Press, Rally: Communal Prayers for Lovers of Jesus and Justice – I recommend seeing the video of a prayer, found at the bottom of this webpage https://upperroombooks.com/Rally/

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