While online participation will continue to be offered, the sanctuary of St. Andrew’s has been opened for Sunday morning worship. The service will not be as we knew it before the pandemic began, but the Elders are now able to offer an opportunity to all for whom this is appropriate.

Great care has been taken to ensure guidelines of public health authorities are followed. Please see below a letter that was distributed to the congregation providing full details. In summary, these include …

– three doors only will be open for entrance to the church: along Clergy Street, the door at the top of the stairs by the canon and the door in the tower; and along Princess Street, the door at the top of the ramp for those with accessibility challenges
– keeping physical distance from those in front, once in the door you will be asked to provide your name (and contact information, if visiting)
– the wearing of face masks at all times in the building is mandatory
– you will be ushered to a seat, filling the front pews first
– there will be no congregational singing or choir: to ensure no sharing of materials, the lyrics to hymns and scripture passages are included in the bulletin
– you will be asked to leave from the same door in which you entered, beginning from the back pews
– we are asked to leave the sanctuary directly to avoid close proximity to others in the narrow aisles at the back or in the foyers, and we will have no opportunity for fellowship within the church facilities

For all the limitations and constraints involved, the Elders are thankful that God has brought us thus far, and we are able to offer this opportunity of praise and worship. 

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