Marc Chagall. The Story of Exodus, 1966, colour lithograph

As some might know well by now, Chagall is one of my ‘faves’. I love the colours, the flowing and open lines, the warmth and the symbolism, and in particular of course the way he imagined many of the scenes of Scripture.

In this particular scene of God giving the Commandments through Moses, what strikes me is the emphasis upon the people. The Commandments given not to individuals only, but to a people, to become and remain a people who were distinctive in their relationship with and service of the Holy One. 

As we continue our look at the Fourth Commandment, we will explore the dimension of ‘community’ it implies, and demands.

Have a look at the Order of Service below, and join us either in the sanctuary or by live-stream Sunday morning at Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s Youtube channel at

The Order of Service and announcements are found below (just keeping scrolling down the document), with the hymns printed out further down the page. 

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