Faith and Courage: From Slavery to Freedom

The Story of the Reverend Josiah Henson

Saturday February 16, 2 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.

St. Andrew’s Church

This is the inspiring, true story of Josiah Henson who was born into slavery in Maryland in the late eighteenth century. Despite terrible conditions where he was beaten, starved and degraded, despite every attempt to break him, he remained unbroken. At eighteen he heard his first sermon and was blown away. That Jesus died for everyone, for the black man as well as the white, struck such a chord with Josiah that from then on, he devoted his life to God and became a preacher. His belief in God gave him the strength to survive slavery and to ultimately gain his freedom. Once free, he used his freedom well and became one of the most important figures in Canadian black history. A veteran of the Stratford and Shaw Festivals, Cassel Miles recreates the Reverend Josiah Henson’s days in slavery and his struggle for freedom. Tickets $20 at the door. Join us at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church during this Black History Month.


Each month, a congregational newsletter is printed that lists the activities and opportunities of this community of faith. Have a look. We warmly invite you to join us as you are able, as we continue (200 years +!) in Christian worship, study and service at the heart of this city.

(The format of this newsletter looks a bit strange on this digital screen – just imagine it as a double-sided tri-folded paper document!)

Download (PDF, 519KB)



On November 11, at the going down of the sun, St. Andrew’s will join churches and communities across Canada to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War with the ringing of bells 100 times. This emulates the moment in 1918 when church bells across Europe tolled as four years of war had come to an end.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE A TURN IN RINGING THE BELLS of St. Andrew’s at sunset on November 11, please email [email protected] BEFORE THURSDAY NOV 8th at NOON!

? NOTE: this involves climbing the bell tower stairs!
#Bellsofpeace #standrewskingston

Each month, a congregational newsletter is printed that lists the activities and opportunities of this community of faith. Have a look. We warmly invite you to join us as you are able, as we continue (200 years +!) in Christian worship, study and service at the heart of this city.

(The format of this newsletter looks a bit strange on this digital screen – just imagine it as a double-sided tri-folded paper document!)

Download (PDF, 235KB)