Tulips hide far beneath mountains of snow

waiting for spring to invite them to grow.

Tucked away in warm bulbs, they say “Ready Set Go”

on the very same day. How do they know? – anonymous

And so we too must be like the tulip and endure these (hopefully) last few mountains of snow falling on us from the heavens, snowflake by snowflake. In this season’s Burning Bush, we bring to you inspiring personal stories, church family photos, an individual’s journey into Presbyterianism, Presbyterianism in Nicaragua and of course, the year 2016’s drawing to a close.

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Worship in Lent

Have a look at our congregational newsletter for the month. (It is meant to be folded into three, so you need a bit of imagination to understand its layout!) Please consider each announcement a personal invitation to join us in Christian worship, community and service.

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