
St. Andrew’s will be opening its doors from mid-June until the end of August as part of The Doors Open Ontario initiative to welcome and engage visitors to St Andrew’s Church during the summer tourist season. The doors will be open Tuesdays to Saturdays from 10 a.m to 4 p.m

Five years of violence in Syria continues. Millions of Syrians have had to flee their homes for other parts of the country and into other countries. All are suffering, Christians and Muslims alike. We continue to pray for peace and new beginning. And to accompany our prayers, the Session of St. Andrew’s has asked each household to consider a special offering in June to support the provision of food and temporary shelter to these refugees in the Middle East. Our support will be channelled through PWS&D and ActionByChurchesTogether (ACT – working with the Middle East Council of Churches, the International Orthodox Aid Association and World Lutheran Federation).

A member of the congregation, Martha van Allen, is offering to assist with a giant pie sale to accompany this appeal. We will be offering the pies to the community beyond the congregation, so lots of pie bakers are needed (contact Donna Delacretaz for information – all that is needed is that you can bring a certain number of pies to the church by Saturday, June 13). You can also assist by ordering a pie or two by Sunday, June 7, for pick up on Saturday June 13 – $10 for your choice of lemon meringue, cherry, blueberry, strawberry rhubarb, raspberry, and apple. Sign up on the bulletin board at the church or leave a message with the Church Office 613-546-6316 or email [email protected].


This is a six part DVD series that invites us to explore the foundations of Christian faith. Filmed on location in the U.K., it takes us on a journey through the Gospel of Mark. Topics include Identity, Sin, the Cross, Resurrection, Grace. Led by the Minister, Tuesday evenings until November 25, 7 – 8:30 p.m. Each evening is independent of the others, so don’t worry if you have to miss one. We have a good sized group signed up. All welcome and free – enter St. Andrew’s Hall by the side door off Clergy Street.

Saturday June 28, 2 p.m.

Our special guest will be Ottawa Valley’s best selling author, journalist and storyteller, Mary Cook. The afternoon will include a set by fiddler Lloyd Wilson of Barriefield and friends. Tickets are at cost, $5, with an envelope for donations to Home Base Housing. Call the Church Office for information, 613-546-6316.
