How do we see Jesus?

In his day, Jesus was viewed in so many different ways.

The crowd saw in him hope and help.
His family viewed him with embarrassment and a desire to control him.
And the authorities saw him with anger and fear.
In the end, perhaps the best lens through which to view Jesus is the one prescribed by the Holy Spirit.
Join us this Sunday as we welcome the Rev. Dr. Paul Kern to lead once again lead our service. 
Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is   Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at 
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.

Holy Communion

‘A broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” Psalm 51:17


Join us this Sunday as we welcome the Reverend Heather Kearn to lead once again lead our service. 
Remembrance Day is this coming week, and we shall have a brief but meaningful Act of Remembrance during the service to honour those who served in the two world wars.
In her sermon this week, Rev. Kearn will explore how to accept the forgiveness of God by looking at Psalm 51 as an example of how David received and then walked with God’s forgiveness.
This is also the first Sunday in November, and as is the tradition at St. Andrew’s, we will be celebrating Holy Communion. We continue to provide individual, sealed Communion packets as you enter the sanctuary. Alternatively, we encourage you to bring your elements from home to use during the service. And if you are joining online, perhaps take a moment before the service to prepare a cup and some bread, so that you may commune with us.
Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is   Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at 
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.

Reformation Sunday 2022

‘Today salvation has come to this house, because he too is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost.’ Luke 19: 9-10

Join us this Sunday as we welcome the Reverend Bonnie Sutherland to lead our service.  Bonnie is the minister of St. John’s and Sand Hill churches in Kingston, AND Interim Moderator for our church as we search for a new minister. 
This is also Reformation Sunday – commemorating the 505th anniversary of Martin Luther infamously publishing his 95 thesis, officially titled: Disputation on the Power of Indulgences. His ideas were revolutionary and inflammatory because they directly contradicted official Catholic teachings of the day. Most of his thesis boiled down to the idea that he wanted individual Christians to have a more independent, personal relationship with God than was prescribed by the Catholic Church. He wanted people to take accountability for their own faith and spiritual growth by studying the Bible themselves. At the time, Catholics didn’t do this – they got their spiritual guidance exclusively from priests and the pope, and were even able to purchase ‘certificates of pardon’ (called indulgences) to forgive their sins. All of this sparked the Reformation movement in Europe as the new “Protestant” churches broke away from the Catholic church.
Rev. Sutherland will speak about how every day is really Reformation Day, as Jesus and the Holy Spirit lead us to repentance, transformation and growth.
Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is   Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at 
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.

QU4RTETS, No1 (Spring) Bruce Herman. 2012 Used with permission

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

                                      Isaiah 55:8-9 

Join us this Sunday as we welcome Michael Messenger, President and CEO of World Vision Canada, to lead our service.
World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization which works with some of the world’s most vulnerable children and operating in some of the world’s poorest and most challenging places to be a child.
To learn more about the work of World Vision, visit:
Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is  Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at 
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.

Fall Colours. R. Walker 2022

“So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith.” Galatians 6: 9, 10

Many things have to happen between seeding a garden and harvesting the produce. And most of them require a great deal of work and patience. Sometimes it feels like we will never see a result. The same holds true for our “spiritual gardens”. However, as Paul tells us, in his letter to the Galatians, that the harvest is promised – it’s the last part of the growing season, so don’t give up! The part between planting and harvesting may be long and messy, but we need to  encourage each other keep on doing it, messy hands and all!
Join us this week as Sandi Dodds talks about her work with The Mess, a vibrant community art studio operating out of Gill Hall in St. Andrew’s church. Since 2009, The Mess Studio has provided opportunity for people to come, connect, and create art in a non-threatening atmosphere of love and acceptance. Regardless of artistic talent or experience, participants at The Mess believe that making art and engaging in community makes everyone healthier. Art is a wonderful way to bring commonality and is a great “backdrop” to building respectful relationships. Bringing a diverse community together, the aim is to build relationships through art. Through community building, they strive to empower others to make healthier life choices. Anyone who is interested in creating art and connecting with others is welcome! The Mess Studio has an ongoing gallery for display within the studio space we occupy. Drop in any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 10am and 2 pm to meet the artists and view some amazing artwork and pottery.
Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is  Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at 
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.

Ichthus Fish symbol

Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, and the word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him.” 1 Samuel 3:7
It is remarkable that Samuel did not know the Lord, as he was surrounded with indicators of God in the temple: the House of the Lord, The Ark of the Covenant, and the Lamp of God. Today, we are often likewise blinded to who God is, even though our nation is dotted with churches, filled with Bibles, and so many people wearing crosses. 
Join us this week as the Rev. Dr. Paul Kern explores how to listen for, and to hear, the voice of God in our lives.
Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is   Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at 
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.

Unrefined silver ore

“See, I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple…But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner’s fire…he will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the descendants of Levi and refine them like gold and silver…” Malachi3:1-3
Wow! What an image! The refiner’s fire is an other way of expressing “smelting” –  the process of using intense heat in a furnace to extract the impurities from raw materials, (which are a mix of the desired element (silver) and other, unwanted, contaminating components of the silver.)  Only the true silver is left behind. It has withstood the fire and emerged pure and steadfast. In the context of Malachi, the speaker is referring to how God works a similar “smelting” or refining process in us, to “burn away” our weaknesses, impurities and faults. Of course, being subject to the “heat” is not comfortable, but if we never face the fire, how can we be refined? 
Join us this week as the Rev. Dr. Paul Kern explores this idea, and what “refining” looks like in our lives.
Being the first Sunday in October, as is the tradition at St. Andrew’s, we will also be celebrating Holy Communion. We continue to provide individual, sealed Communion packets as you enter the sanctuary. Alternatively, we encourage you to bring your elements from home to use during the service. And if you are joining online, perhaps take a moment before the service to prepare a cup and some bread, so that you may commune with us.
Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is   Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at 
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.