Summer! As the rivers sparkle in the sun, as the markets fill with produce of garden and field, as friends visit or are visited, these are days in which gratitude arises spontaneously and deeply. We warmly welcome you to gather with us to give thanks … to God, ‘the Lord who provides’. The Rev. Nancy Hancock will be leading worship. A nursery for infants and young children is offered during the service. Have a look at the Order of Service below, and join us!

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‘The Three Servants’ by JESUS MAFA – A Christian community in the Cameroon

If you are in the Kingston area, we would welcome you to join us in the worship of God. Our preacher this morning is the Rev. Dr. Karen Bach. Karen was the first Ecumenical Chaplain of the University of Toronto, and has also served as Director of the Evergreen Centre of the Yonge Street Mission, focusing upon additional pastoral services for young people on the streets of Toronto. The sermon theme is ‘Wise Investing in 2017′ based on Jesus’ parable of three servants from Matthew 25:13-40. Another special guest is violinist Doug Handforth. During the service a nursery is offered for infants and preschoolers. Have a look at the Order of Service below, and please join us!

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We concluded our July study evenings listening to a TED talk about the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel of Rome. It was fascinating. Curator Elizabeth Lev reminded how radically Michelangelo re-interpreted the Christian gospel with this art. Dispensing with the usual custom of setting biblical stories in a contemporary, 15th century Italian context, Michelangelo presented the human beings in a timelessly accessible manner, without clothes or scenery at all! Which is why, perhaps, 5 million 21st century human beings make the pilgrimage to see this ceiling every year. It speaks strong and deep across the ages. I would encourage you to take in the lecture yourself –

In the scene above, Adam lies languid – robust in physique but obviously without much energy or spirit, reclining, with his arm hanging limp upon his knee. The artist draws us into the expectation of that instant, when the Man receives the divine touch that makes life meaningful and deeply interesting. (And notice that Eve is not an after-thought of the Holy One, a mere help mate of the Man, but already fully formed and held lovingly in the other divine arm!)

As Christians, a scene like this leads us to think about the transformation of human life by the ‘touch’ of Christ. As we continue through Paul’s letter to the Philippians, we arrive this Sunday at his wonderful declaration ‘I regard everything as loss because of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord’ (Philippians 3: 8). Knowing Christ transforms life, and even death.

Have a look at the order of service below, and join us if you are in the area!

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These warm and wonderful days of summer we continue our journey through Paul’s letter to the Philippians with our Minister. The words this morning are of great encouragement (Philippians 2:1-18). There is a healing and a hope waiting for us to explore (further) and enjoy (more fully) … in Christ. This is not a matter of achievement or accomplishment, but is all gift … of God. ‘Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who is at work in you’ (Philippians 2:12-13).

There is assurance but also exhortation in this passage of Paul’s letter. As I was preparing my words for the sermon this Sunday, I remembered a parable told by William Barclay. It focused on a child who chose to continue playing in a small sand box when the joys of an entire ocean beach were just steps away. The Scottish Presbyterian Bible commentator was pointing to the fact that so many Christians seem to become content with what they know and resist growing into faithful maturity, perhaps with struggle but for good. Not one of us can be satisfied with anything less than the fullness of life promised, the salvation of God.

Since May, a group of Queen’s students associated with InterVarsity Fellowship have been living in the heritage manse of St. Andrew’s, creating an intentional missional community at the corner of Princess and Clergy. This morning Deirdre and Alix will be with us, and share some of their hopes and prayers.

Have a look at the order of service below, and if you are in the area, you would be welcome to join us in the worship of God. A sanctuary of beauty. Classic hymns of praise. A time of reflection and renewal. Even some special music from the St. Andrew’s recorder class! There is ample parking on the streets around, and in the public surface lot just behind the church off Queen Street. And during the service there is a supervised nursery for infants and young children.

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In response to Canada Day, July 1st, falling on a Saturday this year, the office will be closed July 3rd. Normal hours of operation will resume Tuesday, July 4th.

We will be gathering outside, upon the grass and beneath the branches, to offer our weekly service of worship in ‘God’s cathedral’ (as Celtic Christians of old used to say) of creation.

Since we began this ‘tradition’, we have explored God’s Word for us by focusing each year on a different theme – ‘trees’, ‘birds’ and ‘garden’. This year we will consider how God speaks to us through the rivers of scripture and our lives – the rivers of Eden, of Babylon, of baptism, of the Holy Spirit. Our special guests will be choristers of the Tyendinaga Church Choir, whose contributions will include singing ‘The Lord’s my Shepherd’ in Mohawk.

If you are in the area, we would welcome you to join us. Have a look at the order of service below. Bring your own lawn chair or blanket if you wish, but chairs will also be available. During the service, the children will be invited to participate in a church ‘scavenger hunt’ led by Laura. And after the service a BBQ for all!

Hope you can join us.

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A new exhibition at the Agnes Etherington Arts Centre of Queen’s University focuses upon the 50 years of amazing gifts by Alfred Bader, and features a painting by Luca Giordano, ‘Jacob’s Dream’.

Luca Giordano, Jacob’s Dream, around 1694-1700, oil on canvas. Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen’s University, Kingston. Gift of Alfred and Isabel Bader, 1988 (31-003)

This canvas prompted within me a return to the biblical story (Genesis 28:10-22) and a discovery of the various ways it has spoken to God’s people through the ages – a medieval riff upon the spiritual disciplines of ‘ascending’ into God’s presence; a Reformation emphasis upon the grace of God’s faithfulness to God’s promises; a subversive hope given to African-Americans enslaved; an assurance given to Alfred Bader himself when interred as an ‘enemy alien’ in this land; a reminder in a secular society that ‘Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it’. I wonder how this story speaks to you at this point along your journey?!

Join us if you are in the area – you would be welcome. There is a nursery with certified child care for infants, and a programme for young children during the service. There is free parking on the streets around and in the public surface lot just behind the church off Queen Street.

Have a look at the order of service, and the announcements … and join us!

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