Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet – Bertram Poole

Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.
I have sworn an oath and confirmed it,
to observe your righteous ordinances…
Your decrees are my heritage for ever;
they are the joy of my heart.
I incline my heart to perform your statutes
for ever, to the end.
~Psalm 119: 105/6; 111/12

Is God still speaking?  We hear about the Word of God often, and we hear the Word of God read (at least once a week). But do we still hear, listen for and heed the Word of God in our lives? On Sunday, The Rev. Dr. Paul Kern will give an exposition of Psalm 119:105-112 that looks at how vital the Word of God was for the Psalmist. And to us!
We heartily welcome Paul Kern to lead our worship this week as he has done on so many Sundays during this time of transition. We are grateful for his thought provoking messages, presence and leadership.
Thanks also to Paul and Rose of our congregation for contributing to our worship this week.
Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is:
Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.



“Unless the Lord builds the house,
their labour is in vain who build it.” Psalm 127:1

Is your heart a place where Jesus feels at home?
This Sunday we look at building “homes” of faith, on a foundation of love, and a framework of God’s power.
We heartily welcome the Rev Dr. Paul Kern to lead our worship this week as he has done on so many Sundays during this time of transition. We are grateful for his presence and leadership.
Thanks also to Paul, Christopher, Eric and Tuti for contributing to our worship this week.
Being the first Sunday in July, as ins the custom at St. Andrew’s, we will also be celebrating Communion. We continue to provide individual, sealed Communion packets as you enter the sanctuary. Alternatively, we encourage you to bring your elements from home to use during the service. And if you are joining online, perhaps take a moment before the service to prepare a cup and some bread, so that you may commune with us.
Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is:
Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.




Shadrac, Mishach and Abednego in the fiery furnace.

Jacob Willemszoon de Wet, 1650

This week we extend a warm welcome and thank you to the Rev Heather Kern who is leading our worship service. Heather has filled in for us on numerous occasions during this time of transition, and we are so grateful for her words and presence with us. Today she will be shining a different light on the well known story of the three men in the fiery furnace.

Heartfelt thanks also to Bob and Greg for contributing to our worship today.

Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is:
Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.



Pentecost.    uncredited internet image

On this anniversary Sunday, we thank God for another wonderful year of God’s grace and work in and through our congregation. 

This week we extend a warm welcome and thank you to the Rev. Dr. Ernest van Eck who is leading our worship service this morning. In September 2022 he became the new Principal of Knox College and was inducted as minister of the PCC in April 2023. The Rev. Dr. van Eck served as Deputy Dean: Research Postgraduate Studies and professor in New Testament in the Dept. of New Testament Studies, Faculty of Theology and Religion, at the University of Pretoria (2006-2022), and as an ordained minister of the Netherdutsch Reformed Church of Africa (1984-2023). He is the author of 58 scholarly articles, co-author of 25 essays and contributor to 8 academic books. His latest publication is a monograph on the parables of Jesus, titled “The parables of Jesus the Galilean: Stories of a social prophet.”

This week we also welcome guest organist, Dr. Gavin Winston to lead us in our musical worship. Dr. Winston is a physician and clinician scientist, whose work finds him in 3 places at once in Queen’s University: the Centre for Neuroscience Studies, the Translational Medicine Program, and the School of Computing. Here, he has done some fascinating work in applying computational neuroimaging approaches to assist people with epilepsy. And when he’s not on these jobs, he is a multi-tasking father and amazing organist!

Heartfelt thanks also to Bob, Janet Paul for contributing to our worship today.

Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is:
Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.



Hand With Reflecting Sphere – M.C. Escher, 1935 – Self Portrait

“Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and said, ‘Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far?” David’s Prayer – 2 Samuel 7:18

In this passage (2 Samuel 7:18), David asks the ultimate human question: Who am I?
The Spiritual answer comes from both Genesis 3 and Colossians 3:
1. I am someone with a need to be covered by God’s provision (born without the choice);
2. I am someone who is chosen, and therefore can also choose “what to wear”;
3. I can wear the Church’s Graduation Gown.

Welcome and thank you to the Rev. Dr. Paul Kern, who is leading the service today. 
Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is:
Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at 
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.



Trinity – Andrei Rublev, 15th C.

Welcome and thank you to the Rev. Dr. Paul Kern, who is leading the service today. 
This is Trinity Sunday. Most Orthodox churches, including the Presbyterian Church of Canada have the Triune Godhead as their first and primary creedal statement about who God is. However, many are confused by the doctrine, and do not really see how it fits into their day to day lives as Christians. This Sunday we look at HOW we are Trinitarian. We will  focus on being the Missional Church. That is – God is a Sending God. The Father Sent the Son (led and empowered by the Holy Spirit), and God sent the Spirit – to empower the church, who is also sent.
Being the first Sunday in June, as ins the custom at St. Andrew’s, we will also be celebrating Communion. We continue to provide individual, sealed Communion packets as you enter the sanctuary. Alternatively, we encourage you to bring your elements from home to use during the service. And if you are joining online, perhaps take a moment before the service to prepare a cup and some bread, so that you may commune with us.
Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is:
Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at 
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.



“Be still and know that I am God.” -Psalm 46:10

Welcome and thank you to elder, and ministry student, Julielee Stitt, who is once again leading the service today. Julielee’s sermon is simply and aptly titled: God Gives.
Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. This is the link for this morning’s service is:
Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel at 
Have a look at the Order of Service, scripture readings, hymn lyrics and announcements below – this electronic form includes hyperlinks for easy connection, but you can print the pages if you wish for reference as the hour unfolds, or even through the week. We invite you to join in worship, study and service as you are able.