This banner has welcomed the congregation of St. Andrew’s ever since the present sanctuary was raised in 1890. It declares a phrase that is heard several times in scripture. But what does it mean? What is the point of this invitation/exhortation? The sermon this morning will explore these words (Psalm 96:9) and conclude with a final Epiphany hymn

Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness,
Bow down in reverence, God’s glory to proclaim;

gold of obedience and incense of lowliness
bring now, adoring the Lord’s holy name.

This is a wonderful morning for this congregation – we will be gathered by the Holy Spirit not only in worship, but also to ordain and induct four individuals who have been discerned with spiritual gifts for leadership among us as Elders. 

We invite you to join us in prayer and praise by live-stream at Organ preludes will begin around 10:25 a.m. and the service will commence at 10:30 a.m. Previous services can be found on the St. Andrew’s Youtube channel at 

Have a look at the Order of Service and hymn lyrics and announcements below – we invite you to join us in worship, study and service as you are able.

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