It has been a hard week for mind and heart and soul. Our eyes have seen a black man murdered by a white police officer. Our ears have heard the cries of brothers and sisters continuing to suffer systemic injustice and racism. ‘How long, O Lord?’ they protest. ‘What are we to do?’ we ask, on our knees.

Strange as it may seem, I was led towards an opening as I turned my thoughts to this Trinity Sunday. It all began with a painting by an Indian Christian artist A.J. Thamburaj shared in a recent post by Victoria Emily Jones at

I look forward to sharing my findings with you. But here is a hint. On the left I see a representation of God the Creator. In the centre I see the Holy Spirit, the power of the Holy One with us. But the power that the Holy Spirit bestows is that of the Son, the power for us to take up the life of Jesus in this world. It is a way we know from scripture (we will read Paul’s letter to the Philippians 2:1-11) and symbolized in this painting by the wounds he carries, the wounds he suffered while with us and the wounds he is suffering this day with all who suffer.

As this is the first Sunday of the month, we shall celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Be sure to have some bread and a cup ready. You might even light a candle. Let us all create a sacred space in which to know the presence and promises of the Holy One for this humanity of God’s love.  God knows, we need it. 

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