So what was Béatrice doing this week with a pot of red cabbage leaves in one hand and a pot of brown onion skins in the other? You will have to listen the podcast or video to find out!
But the main point is that … Easter is on the horizon, and this morning we return to our preparations by tackling some of the hardest-to-hear yet also most-hope-filled words of our Lord (Mark 8:31-37).

A big ‘thank you’ to John Hall, our Director of Music, and family for their contributions of music and digital recording that allow us to ‘join together, separately’ in Christian worship this day (and with services already in the works online for Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday).

Podcast –
Video –

During these weeks when we cannot gather physically, members of the congregation are sharing personal thoughts and prayers as a way of maintaining community and encouraging faith. If you would like to receive a brief reflection from a member of the St. Andrew’s family each morning, just send me an email to be placed on the distribution list – [email protected]

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