Dodge Dart (2020) by Carol Aust  Used with the artist’s permission

I love this painting by California-based artist Carol Aust. The title of the canvas refers to the car, but the scene is all about the person sitting on its hood. I see an individual lost in thought. But there are other dynamics in evidence also. I can hear the hills around echo ‘Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth’ (Psalm 121) and the geese over head honking their encouragement to take up ‘the Way’ (Acts 9:2). This fourth Sunday of Easter, we continue to explore ‘the Sacred in the Ordinary’, and in particular the common human experience of feeling lost, in all its dimensions and possibilities. 

You are invited to join in an hour of the worship of God – hymns, readings of scripture, sermon and prayers, including a celebration of the Lord’s Supper (so you are invited to prepare with bread and cup beforehand). 

In support of the recent provincial ‘stay at home’ mandate, the Elders of St. Andrew’s have decided it would best to suspend in-person worship until further notice. This service will be available online this Sunday from 10:20 a.m. at and available thereafter on the St. Andrew’s Youtube channel,

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