Amidst much continuing uncertainty and anxiety, we begin a new congregational year with a focus upon one of the foundations of Christian faith, one that I see symbolized so movingly in this drawing of Van Gogh. 

My eyes are drawn to the hands of this man, entwined, and they make me think of prayer. Not the position of prayer, but the relationships of prayer. I think of prayer involving two hands, one hand being mine and the other being that of the Holy One holding mine, holding me, holding us. Prayer is a relationship with God, intimate. Prayer is the assurance we know in Christ, that we are loved with a love that will not let us go. These weeks of autumn we will explore our lives through the prayer that Jesus taught us, the Lord’s Prayer.

The doors of the sanctuary will re-open for worship at 10:30 a.m. (Please see the previous post for the protocols and shape of the service). The service will also be live-streamed, available at 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning and anytime after at …

Free parking is available Sunday mornings in the surface civic lot off Queen Street behind St. Andrew’s, and on the streets of the neighbourhood – please note that time-of-day restrictions north of Queen are not enforced on Sundays. For accessible entrance to the sanctuary, please use the ramp by the door along Princess Street.

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Being introduced to the dynamics of live-streaming!

JOIN US Sunday March 17th!
If you are in the area, we warmly invite you to join in the worship of God. Have a look at the Order of Service below (and also the announcements – please consider each a personal invitation to join us in Christian worship, community and service).

During the service there is offered a nursery for infants and a programme for young children if desired. There is free parking on the streets around (please note that the time-of-day restrictions on Clergy Street north of Queen are not in effect on Sundays) and in the surface civic lot just behind the church off Queen Street. There is a wheel chair lift available in the doors of the church closest to the manse (the courtyard is entered from the driveway half way along the St. Andrew’s block of Clergy Street) and a wheelchair ramp is available by ramp and door along Princess Street.

A special welcome to the Rev. Dr. William Morrow who is our preacher this morning. Bill received his Masters of Divinity from Knox College Toronto, is Full Professor in the Queen’s School of Religion, and is non-stipendiary priest of the Anglican Church, currently serving at St. James Church on Union Street.

If you have any other questions, please call the church office Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. – noon, or email [email protected] For matters of pastoral care during the Minister’s absence, please contact Alberta Saunders, Clerk of Session – [email protected]