Forgiveness – it is a foundational dimension of the Christian understanding of a truly human life. Perhaps every church should have a billboard like this outside.

But there are depths to this petition of the prayer our Lord gave us to which ‘forgiveness’ does not do justice. The word can give the impression that it refers to something static and theoretical, as if forgiveness that can be talked about objectively or kept on a shelf and taken down when needed.

At its core, however, forgiveness as defined by Christ is only and always relational and dynamic. I appreciate how this petition is framed by verbs, involving not just me but others. I look forward to sharing some thoughts during this Sunday’s sermon.

The doors of the sanctuary will be open and our service of worship will begin at 10:30 a.m. (Please see the post under ‘Special Events’ in the column to the right for the protocols and shape of the service). The service will also be live-streamed, active just after 10:20 a.m. with organ music for meditation, commencing with the Entry of the Scriptures at 10:30 a.m., found at

The Order of Service, music notes and announcements can be found at the end of this post.

Once the service has ended, a recording will be available on our channel shortly after the live-streaming has ended – 

Free parking is available Sunday mornings in the surface civic lot off Queen Street behind St. Andrew’s, and on the streets of the neighbourhood – please note that time-of-day restrictions north of Queen are not enforced on Sundays. For accessible entrance to the sanctuary, please use the ramp by the western-most door along Princess Street.

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Presbyterian congregations across Canada this morning will be greeted with this image on the cover of the Orders of Service. It is a portion of a great stained glass window found just as you enter the sanctuary of St. Andrew’s Kingston from the main doors through the bell tower. And I find it quite stunning.

Around the perimeter are pomegranates, which must have evoked a sense of wonder in the late 1800s when this window was installed in this far corner of creation. The fruit hang from branches that evoke the Tree of Jesse, from which God had promised to raise up a new leader, a Messiah, for the people of God. At the centre is a crown, heralding the King of Kings, with rays of golden light streaming behind. Both point us to Jesus the Christ. This depiction is exactly as we would expect and can fully celebrate.

But of course there is a backstory that is critical to understanding. The background of the crown is blood red. The rays of light from the crown are in the form of a cross. It is the embracing life and sacrificial death of Jesus that define how he rules. This is known as ‘Christ the King’ Sunday, and we still ask, as did the disciples of old, ‘Who then is this?’ (Mark 4:35-41). 

If you are in the area, we warmly invite you to join the worship of God. Certified child care is offered during the service and there is free parking on the streets around (please note that the time-of-day restrictions on Clergy Street north of Queen are not in effect on Sundays) and in the surface civic lot just behind the church off Queen Street.

Have a look at the Order of Service and bulletin below, and consider each hymn and prayer and announcement a personal invitation to join us in Christian worship, community and service. If you have any questions about forthcoming events and opportunities, please call the church office Tuesday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – noon, 613-546-6316, or email [email protected]

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Join us next Sunday as we begin our journey to Christmas and light the first candle of Advent, singing ‘O come, O come Emmanuel’

This morning we conclude our summer series of services focusing upon the wonderful stained glass windows of the St. Andrew’s sanctuary. And how appropriate that, with the beginning of a new school year, we will gaze upon perhaps the loveliest of all gospel scenes, when Jesus declares ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs’ (Matthew 19: 14). Lovely indeed, but also radical. It is a scene that speaks about children, but to all of us, and does so with challenge and with promise.

We warmly welcome you to join us. Certified child care is offered during the service and there is free parking on the streets around (please note that the time-of-day restrictions on Clergy Street north of Queen are not in effect on Sundays) and in the surface civic lot just behind the church off Queen Street.

Have a look at the Order of Service and bulletin below, and consider each hymn and prayer and announcement a personal invitation to join us in Christian worship, community and service. If you have any questions about forthcoming events and opportunities, please call the church office Tuesday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – noon, 613-546-6316, or email [email protected]

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p.s. be sure to look at The Days of September for information about forthcoming services and events at St. Andrew’s

~~Saint Cecilia – the patron saint of organists ~~

A warm welcome in the name of Jesus Christ and a special welcome to all visitors and friends with us this morning.  We acknowledge that we meet on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territory.

During these services of summer,  we have our certified child care and there is free parking on the streets around (please note that the time-of-day restrictions on Clergy Street north of Queen are not in effect on Sundays) and in the surface civic lot just behind the church off Queen Street.

Our Director of Music John Hall will lead worship on both sides of the keyboard this morning, playing the organ and also sharing reflections on ‘The Art of Listening’. Our Elders will lead in prayer.

Have a look at the Order of Service and bulletin below, and consider each hymn and prayer and announcement a personal invitation to join us in Christian worship, community and service. If you have any questions about forthcoming events and opportunities, please call the church office Tuesday -Thursday, 9 a.m. – noon, or email [email protected]

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